Cost Estimate

I am following the recommendations of VG Wort (Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort, authors’ society ‘word’, legally capable association by virtue of the award).
The basis for calculating the fee for translations and text work is the customer’s source text. Every customer text is special, has its own length, complexity, formatting, terminological difficulty and urgency. I will therefore only be able to send you a specific quote once I know the text you would like to have translated.
However, to give you an idea of what it costs to do a translation or text work, the example calculation is based on a standard page. According to VG Wort, a standard page consists of 1500 keystrokes (including characters and spaces), with 60 keystrokes per line and 30 lines per page, with hyphenation switched off. A standard page is written in a standard font (e.g. Times New Roman or Arial), in font size 12, with a line spacing of 1.5 as a Word document.

Cost Estimate

Cost Estimate

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